Wednesday 13 June 2007

Some Dos and Don'ts for a WHW Back Up Team

The following (semi-light hearted) advice was compiled in the wee small hours waiting for The Runner to successfully complete his 5th WHW race. Being someone’s back up is not a job to be taken lightly, even though there are many moments of hilarity (and insanity). You need to know your runner and fellow back up team really well. We couldn’t do it without The Bearded One and The Railwayman.


Try to look alert and wide awake at all times especially after 40 hours without sleep

Offer your runner non-specific advice such as “Keep it steady” or “Take it nice and easy”

Tell them they look great at every checkpoint even if you’ve seen more colour in a week old corpse

Reassure them their race plan was fantastic - it was just not their year

Accept that not having a jam roll ready at Beinglas was entirely your fault

Wait until Sunday to tell them they looked dreadful the whole race, their race plan was rubbish and they didn’t ask for a bloody jam roll to be ready at Beinglas

Applaud every runner at each checkpoint because they deserve it

Practise hill starts (if you’re driving someone else’s car) before tackling the road up to Rowardennan if you’re a bit rusty

Offer up a silent thank you to your higher power for every runner who makes it to Fort William in one piece

Offer up a loud thank you for every volunteer who gives up their weekend (and more!) just because they love running and the WHW. You are all STARS!


Never discuss the possibility of being back up after a few beers because before you’ve sobered up the form’s been filled in

Don’t scoff at midge nets until you get out the car at Carbeth on your first ever race

Don’t tell your runner they’ve got the easy bit

Never mix red wine and anti-histamines

Don’t order a meal in an eatery thinking you’ve got plenty of time before your runner comes in

Don’t forget to thank the back up team who serviced your runner while you waited for your order

Never assume a camera crew will have no impact on your duties as back up

Don’t double park in lay-bys and then disappear, even if it’s only for five minutes

Don’t be tempted to tell your runner to hurry up in the shower at the finish because they just can’t!


Andy Kerr said...

I've got a t-shirt with that on it!

allybea said...

Ooh, am I famous? Dario changed some of it but now you've seen the original!