Friday 16 October 2009

Dear Mr Waterman,

Bright and early this morning I dropped my husband off at the train station armed with one of his famous 'good' plastic bags and a suitcase filled with enough running gear to kit out all 45 competitors in the upcoming event. He was in reasonable good health apart from a sore shoulder, a bit of a sniffle, suffering from sleep deprivation and moaning about a lack of consistent good nutrition this week. Past experience prevented me from asking about the state of his legs and feet so perhaps you could enquire upon his arrival.

I've provided back up for him on a few occasions and thought some background information might be useful.

He has been known to swear a wee bit if things aren't always just so.

He asks for all sorts of food and drinks but has an uncanny knack of asking for something you don't have, have never heard of and usually when you're miles from any retail outlet.

He likes to think he has a flexible plan but really it's the back up team who has to be flexible.

He has a bit of a cough when running which sounds worse than it is but discreet monitoring is usually effective.

Loo roll and hand wash are a vital piece of his kit.

The night before the race he may be tempted to have 'just one' toast to old friends. He is incapable of 'just one' so abstinence is the best approach. I'm sure his old friend would understand.

I would be grateful if you could return him to me in a reasonable state of health. I would be particularly appreciative if he at least caught the correct flight home.

Many thanks for your help in this matter.


PS Seriously guys, huge thanks for doing this xxx


Davie said...

You want him back?

Debs M-C said...

That gave me a right good giggle that did :-) xx

Ps: Was in Frasers at lunchtime, they've got their new collection of Jimmy Choos in :-)

Ian said...

Oh no! I've forgotten to pack my toilet roll and hand wash!

Subversive Runner said...

Mrs Mac....get your skates on quick...get loo roll and hand freshener from the local shop. And you haven't bought nearly enough wine, so a few more bottles of that too. And some whisky.
